2015 Books

I had to put off reading for several years as the kids were younger. Now that they are older and I spend a lot of hours sitting around waiting on them I can read. I still prefer books. I've tried an IPad but found that I just preferred holding a book.
I've always read John Grisham and Dan Brown, a few years ago the girls at work made me expand my horizons. I discovered Elin Hilderbrand and Nicholas Sparks. In 2014 I expanded even more and discovered Kristin Hannah, John Green and Christine Baker Kline. I love all their books.
For 2015 I decided to read 20 books and include at least one classic that I had not read. I read The Old Man and the Sea. I've read a few military books. I've read a few books from the Holocaust period which I found interesting.
Here is my list for 2015
1. American Sniper by Chris Kyle. Just an amazing book and story. Thank you Chris Kyle
2. On mystic lake by Kristin Hannah. I love her books. I cant read enough of them. After this one I ordered 3 more!
3. The fragile world by Paula Treick DeBoard. She sucked me in with The Mourning Hour and this story certainly didn't disappoint
4. Home front by Kristin Hannah
Wow is all I can say. If you have a female friend in the military I'd recommend you read this.
5. The Old Man and The Sea by. Ernest Hemingway. It's a classic for a reason
6. Looking for Alaska by John Green Liked it better then Paper Towns.
7. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
I enjoyed it
8. The Matchmaker by Elin Hilderbrand
What can I say, I love ALL her books.
9. 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher
I read because one of the boys had to read it at school. Interesting
10. Redeployment by Phil Kay. Insightful, not in a good way
11. The Right Thing by Scott Waddell. Very good read. Its a true story about an actual event
12. Hollow City by Ransom Riggs. It was OK. I liked the first book better.
13. Survivors: True Stories of Children in the Holocaust by Zullo and Bovsun. Its a kids book but very powerful!
14. Sweet Water by Christina Baker Kline I loved it! Read very fast! Felt like I was there!
15. Firefly lane by Kristin Hannah. OMG this has got to be the best book ever. I'm not sure why I was so completely drawn into the story but I was.
16. Fly away by Kristin Hannah. Part 2 of Firefly Lane and I loved it just as much! I just love her style of writing. I just feel like I'm part of the story.
17. Best of me by Nicholas sparks. This has to be the best Sparks book ever. I read it over the weekend and stayed up late to finish it on a Sunday night! Yes its that good.
18, Gray Mountain. John Grisham
Great book and powerful! We really don't know what goes on in our world if its not happening right outside out own window.
19. The first phone call from heaven. Mitch Albom
Good book
20. Gathering blue. Lois Lowry I missed that the Giver was a series. WOW Just wow. This and the Messanger and Son are the end of the series. I read them very quick. Easy reads and interesting!
21. Messanger. Lois Lowry
22. Son. Lois Lowry
23. Winter garden. Kristen Hannah
An incredible book. I didn't want this book to end. I felt like I was part of the story. I just cant tell you how much I loved this story. Very Powerful!
24. Christmas keepsakes. Donna VanLiere
We all need a little Christmas Cheer!
25. Grey. EL James Rather boring and really a repeat of what we had read before!
26. Choir of Angels. Debbie Macomber Fun Christmas read about Angels.
I not only reached my goal in 2015 but exceeded it! Why cant the movie ever be as good as the book!