Sunday, November 2, 2014


I was about 20 in Nursing School at IU when a teacher asked us to share a quote with the class.
I had never really thought about quotes so I really didn't know where to start.  I went to the library and found some books but nothing appealed to me.  The assignment date was nearing and I had nothing.  One night I was working in the computer lab and there was a magazine there and I was flipping through it when this quote jumped out of the page to me.
I was dying
First I was dying to finish high school and start college.
And then I was dying to finish college and start working.
And then I was dying to marry and have children.
And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough for school so I could return to work.
And then I was dying to retire.
And now, I am dying…and suddenly I realize I forgot to live.
It stuck me in a way I had never imagined.  I was very early into the quote or poem,  whichever you chose to call it, but I understood it.  I was so ready to graduate from college and get a job.  I was already thinking about marriage and kids.  I wasn't living in the present I was hoping for a future.  I started learning to live in the present.  You will rarely hear me say I cant wait for .......  I can wait.  I love Christmas and snow, but I don't want to rush the rest of the year to get there.  I enjoy the beauty and new life of spring, as well as windows open, sun shining, and short wearing.  Then there is summer.  I love mild summers, vacations, fun trips and swimming.  The smells of fall, the crisp leaves under foot, hoodies, football, and fires.  I do enjoy life throughout the year.
I'm thankful for this attitude so early on in my life.  It helped me to enjoy the here and now and make the most of it.  It helped me make choices that have caused few regrets.  My kids have done things Mike and I really didn't get to do.  They have been on trips with all of their grandparents.  This may seem like no big deal to some people but to me its important.  They were able to spend quality time with their grandparents and got to know them in a different way.  The bottom line is living in the present has created a world of few regrets for me.   Enjoy today so you also have no regrets.
Don't rush things. Don't wish for tomorrow. When today is gone, it is gone.  Create memories today. While you are planning for tomorrow do something today.  Honestly its the crazy things you will always remember.  Go to a park and play.  It really doesn't matter how old the kids are, when early teens think no one is looking they still act like kids.  Throw a football in the yard, play a game of scrabble, set up a tent, make cookies together, etc.  It really doesn't matter what you do but enjoy today with the people you love and care about and make every day count.
 I love snow!
Santa Claus
Easter:  Enjoying a Spring Day
Summer Swimming
Do you have a favorite Quote or Poem?  Share it...
The author is unknown for the Quote/Poem listed above.

1 comment:

  1. These thoughts are so true. I have spent most of my 64 years dying to get there. Just the other day I was already thinking about great grandchildren. I believe I will set those thoughts aside. I have four truly remarkable grandkids that need me now not trying to rush their future.
